All posts in "Buyer’s Guide"

Best Wall Mounted Cat Posts for Small Spaces

By Kristin

Choosing the best wall mounted cat post for your cat can be a frustrating and expensive task. This is especially true if you don’t have a lot of space in your home to support one. Some of them can be obnoxiously big. You may have bought several cat posts in the past that were poorly […]

Best Cat Carrier for Nervous Cats

By Kristin

When looking for a cat carrier for a nervous cat, it’s best to make sure it has a lot of room and good ventilation.  This will help keep your cat calm throughout the trip you are planning on taking him.  Anxiety in cats is a common problem among cats that travel, and the first step […]

Best Cat Carriers for Long Distance Travel

By Kristin

Going out with your cat can be difficult without the right equipment.  One of the first items you will need is a cat carrier. Without this, your trip may turn into a total disaster. Not just any cat carrier will do for long road trips.  The best cat carrier for long distance travel will be […]

What Size Pet Carrier Is Good for a Cat?

By Kristin

Finding the right size cat carrier that you need really depends on your situation.  Traveling with your cat on a plane would require a different carrier than if you were taking your cat with you on a road trip.  What size cat carrier should you get for traveling? You should get the most spacious cat […]

Best Cat Carrier Backpacks

By Kristin

When looking for the best backpack carrier for your cat, safety and practicality is what you are looking for.  A backpack is a great idea if you want to start traveling more with your cat because it is a hands free option.  This will make hiking, going to the store, or even going outside for […]

Best Supplements With Vitamins for Cats to Gain Weight

By Kristin

Is your cat struggling to gain weight? There are many different causes for a cat to be underweight. Whether it’s because they are having difficulty eating, absorbing nutrients, or have medical issues, it is important to keep your cat at a healthy weight. If your cat is struggling with their dietary needs then it may […]

Best Cat Bed for Older Cats

By Kristin

As your cat ages he will definitely show it.  His energy levels will start to decline and he will be more in the cliche lazy cat mood.  If you are looking for the best cat bed for older cats then you have come to the right spot.  I Have picked out a few beds that […]

Best Steps for Cats With Arthritis

By Kristin

Handling a cat with arthritis can be difficult at times.  Making sure your cat can navigate around your house to all his normal spots is essential in keeping your cat comfortable.  Constant jumping and leaping can cause your cat’s arthritis to worsen.  One of the best interventions you can do for your cat is purchasing […]

Best Electric Shaver for Cats

By Kristin

There are many different types of shavers for cats on the market.  Many people have the thought that they can just use human shavers, but that’s just not true.  If you were to use a shaver meant for a human you will run into issues.  Cats have a lot more hair (fur) than a human […]

Best Cat Toothpaste for Gingivitis

By Kristin

Some cats may unfortunately be affected by gingivitis.  There are many different ways to treat gingivitis in your cat.  You can use special treats, different types of food, or even toothpaste.  Using a toothpaste on your cat may seem weird at first, but it is very effective! In order to use toothpaste on your cat’s […]

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