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Can a Spayed Cat Produce Milk?

By Kristin

Spayed female cats no longer have the means necessary to produce kittens, but they can sometimes produce milk in certain conditions. If your female cat is spayed and yet still produces milk, don’t be alarmed. There are many reasons why a female cat that has been spayed might continue her milk production. In this article, […]

Tuna Water for Cats: Is it Healthy? [Pros & Cons]

By Kristin

Tuna water is created from soaking tuna in water in order to draw out some of the nutritional benefits, as well as the taste. Many cat owners swear by this liquid, which can actually be a natural supplement to an already balanced diet to help keep hydration levels up.  If you’re looking to add tuna […]

Can Cats Suffocate Under Blankets?

By Kristin

As a cat owner, you want to protect your kitty and keep them safe. So it is not uncommon to wonder if certain actions that cats do may pose a risk to their health and well-being. One such activity that cat owners often ponder about is whether or not their cat suffocates under blankets. After […]

Do Cats Keep Cockroaches Away? [Toxic or Healthy Snack?]

By Kristin

You’ve heard of cats called “mousers” since they keep the mice away from their territory. But are these predatory animals also just as good at keeping roaches in check? In this article, we’ll discuss the relationship between cats and cockroaches, answering the question above for you in context. We’ll also show you what you can […]

Can I Take My Cat to the Beach? Our Best Tips and Tricks

By Kristin

It’s not often a common sight to see a cat on the beach, but that’s not to say it’s impossible. There are people who take their cats to the beach, and you (and your cat) can be one of them! If you are thinking about taking your cat to the beach, there are a few […]

Cats With Fat Cheeks: Examples and Reasons Why

By Kristin

Cats are arguably the cutest creatures ever, with some breeds being more popular than others, such as British Shorthair cats, Maine Coon cats, Scottish Folds, and hairless cat breeds. One thing that may stand out in some cats, especially ones you see that live outdoors, are cats who have fat jowls, necks, and cheeks. This […]

Teddy Bear Cat Haircut: 6 Adorable Cuts You Have to See

By Kristin

While cats are more than just accessories, it’s hard to deny that it’s a lot of fun to fashion them in a variety of different styles. You could go with any number of different styles, but for a good reason, giving your cat a teddy bear trim is one of the best approaches you can […]

Why Do Cats Like Being Slapped?

By Kristin

There are so many things that you need to consider when you’re raising a cat, and one of the most important things is figuring out how cats work. Us cat owners love them to bits, but figuring out what a cat likes is nothing less than complex. You will find that what your cat likes […]

Can Cats Eat Imitation Crab?

By Kristin

Seafood provides many benefits for both humans and animals. It is filled with vital nutrients and minerals that help the body and mind of you and your cat. But what about imitation crab? Can cats eat imitation crab?  This is something that cat parents should ask themselves before giving it to their furry friend. After all, […]

Can Cats Have Oat Milk?

By Kristin

As a cat owner, you are probably used to your little furry friend wanting a taste of whatever you are eating and drinking. While it may be tempting to give into their cute little faces, caution should be practiced before sharing any of your food. This is because a lot of human food can actually […]

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