All posts in "Blog"

How Often Do 6-Week-Old Kittens Poop? (Explained)

By Phil

We all know how exciting it is when there is a new arrival in the family! Kittens are a fun and welcome addition that will bring many years of happiness to your life. Caring for kittens when we first get them is one of the most rewarding and anxiety-inducing things, and part of that is […]

What Can Cats Sense About Humans? (Sixth Sense, Or..)

By Phil

Cats are incredible at reacting to their environments, and they seem to be far more sensitive to changes than people are. If you are like me, then you have probably wondered about cats’ spiritual and sixth senses and questioned; what can cats sense about humans? Anecdotally we have all heard stories of cats that have […]

Can I Apply Advantage After 2 Weeks? (Yep, Here’s How)

By Phil

Keeping your cat free of fleas and ticks is a crucial part of having a healthy and happy pet. It’s obviously good for your cats, and for you and your family as well as fleas can be quite a nuisance! (Fleas actually don’t bite me, but they terrorize everyone else in my family!) An issue […]

Why Do Cats Sit With Their Back to You? (Not Why You Think!)

By Phil

Nobody likes being ignored, but as cat parents, we sometimes don’t have a choice. Cats have some funny quirks, and sitting with their backs to us is one of them.  In a normal person-to-person interaction this would be a sign that we are being ignored, but what does it mean in a cat-to-human context? In […]

How to Stop Tom Cats Spraying on My Door? (Several Methods)

By Phil

There are few things as unpleasant as the smell of a Tom Cat trying to let everyone in the neighborhood know who’s in charge! I’m sure you’ll agree that cat urine has a pungent odor that is most unwelcoming for visitors to your home. I thought that it might be a good time to explain […]

Are Collars Uncomfortable For Cats? (Pros & Cons Explained)

By Phil

One of the ways that we show ownership, provide details about where our cats live, and save the local wildlife population is by giving them a collar. As cat parents, it’s normal to draw comparisons between us and cats, and because we have preferences, we correctly assume that our cats also have things that they […]

10 Reason – Why Do Cat Noses Get Wet? Normal & Abnormal Explained

By Gunnar Bengtsson

Cats usually explore their environment with many sense glands, organs, and other natural behaviors. Usually, cats’ noses are naturally wet, which increases the sensing power of picking up the scents and smells. However, a wet nose isn’t always normal. There are certain occasions in which a cat’s moist nose may indicate health issues that need […]

7 Proven Tips to Stop Dog Aggression toward Cats

By Gunnar Bengtsson

There are a lot of different ways to stop dog aggression toward cats. In fact, the best way to stop dog aggression might vary depending on the specific situation and the individual dog’s personality. However, there are a few tips that can help make life easier for both your cat and your dog and will […]

7 Tips When Moving an Older Cat to a New Home

By Phil

If you’re moving an older cat to a new home, there is no reason why it can’t go smoothly – but you’ll need to carefully plan and execute a few things. It’s no secret that cats do not like major changes in their daily routines, and this is particularly true of older cats. Still, I’ve […]

How to keep Cats off TV Screen? 9 Proven Tips

By Gunnar Bengtsson

If you’re a cat owner, then chances are you’ve had your fair share of battles with your feline friend over territory. One of the most contested areas is Your television. This can be a problem if you have a flat screen TV, as cats can easily scratch or dent the screen. So How to keep […]

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