All posts in "Blog"

9 Proven Tips To Stop Cats From Opening Doors

By Gunnar Bengtsson

There’s nothing quite like a cat scratching at your door in the middle of the night. You probably get frustrated when your cat insists on opening doors that are better left closed, if you’re like me. Luckily, you can do a few things to discourage your cat from opening doors. Keep reading to know How […]

Cat Dander vs Dandruff: Differences Explained!

By Phil

In this article, I’m going to explain the difference between cat dander vs dandruff. There is often some confusion around what cat dander is, and what dandruff is on a cat, but it’s actually not hard to tell the difference. In short, cat dandruff is visible white flakes of dead skin, much the same as […]

How Long Does Cat Dander Last? (Allergy Advice)

By Phil

Cat dander is invisible to the naked eye as it’s microscopic in size, but if you have cats you can be sure you have dander around the home. But, how long does cat dander last and just how dangerous is it to people with allergies? In this article, I’m going to explain why cat dander […]

What Does Cat Dander Look Like? (Explained)

By Phil

I’m sure you’ve heard about cat dander and how it can cause flare-ups for people with allergies, but what does cat dander look like exactly? If you’re seeing little white dandruff-looking flakes in your cat’s coat, it may well be dander. Here is a more detailed explanation of what cat dander is, what cat dander […]

Cat Destroying Your Window Screen? (5 Reasons and Solutions)

By Phil

Cats and window screens, it’s been the source of many a meme and many frustrated cat parents! If your cat is destroying your window screen, I’m sure you’re not finding it amusing. But don’t despair, there are some things you can do to stop your cat from tearing up your screens! Why Do Cats Climb […]

Do Cats Imprint on One Person? (How Cats Choose Favorites)

By Phil

Cats get a bad rap from those looking in from the outside for not forming storing bonds with their owners. But this couldn’t be further from the truth, cats do form strong bonds with their owners. But do cats imprint on one person in the same way as some other animals do? There is some […]

How to Get Cat Pee Out of Leather Boots (Explained)

By Phil

There are few things more annoying (and smelly) than when your cat pees on your clothes, shoes, or any other possessions. If your cat has peed on your leather boots, this presents a particular problem as it can be difficult to completely remove the stain and smell. Unless that is, you know the best way […]

Cat Peeing on Blankets and Clothes? (5 Reasons & Solutions)

By Phil

Has your cat been peeing on blankets and clothes around the home? This is one of the most annoying and frustrating kitty behavioral-related issues. Don’t despair, there is hope! There are just a few common reasons why cats pee on clothes, blankets, laundry, etc. In this post, I’m going to explain what those common reasons […]

Why Would a Cat Pee in Food Bowl? (3 Reasons & Solutions)

By Phil

Looking for an explanation as to why would a cat pee in a food bowl? It’s rare for a cat to pee in their food bowl or one of your other cat’s bowls, but it’s not unheard of. There are a few reasons why your cat might be exhibiting this behavior, so it’s not as […]

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