All posts in "Health Care"

Can Cats Get Lead Poisoning? [Danger Symptoms]

By Gunnar Bengtsson

If you own a cat, you may be wondering if they can get lead poisoning. Lead poisoning is a serious health condition that can occur in humans and animals if they are exposed to lead. So can cats get lead poisoning? While cats are not as likely to be exposed to lead as humans, it […]

Why Do Cats Get Hiccups? 5 Proven Treatment Tips

By Gunnar Bengtsson

Like other mammals, it is a common observation that cats usually get hiccups, especially kittens. From a medical point of view, Hiccups are the involuntary contraction made by spasms of the diaphragm. It occurs in the muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. Usually, it calms down after a few moments and has no […]

What Shots do Indoor Cats need? 8 Essential Vaccines

By Gunnar Bengtsson

If you’re the owner of an indoor cat, it’s essential to make sure they’re up-to-date on their shots. Shots act as a shield against viral and bacterial diseases. A feline keeper should be aware of what shots do indoor cats need? While cats that spend time outdoors usually need fewer vaccinations than those who stay […]

8 Reasons: Why Do Cats Foam at the Mouth?

By Gunnar Bengtsson

Seeing foam at the cat mouth makes the owners worry because this is not a commonly occurring condition in felines. So Why do Cats Foam at the Mouth? It may irritate the pet owner while watching their kitty foam at the mouth or drooling excessively. As a result, they might think of rabies, nausea, dental […]

What Causes Hot Spots on Cats? Treatment & Prevention

By Gunnar Bengtsson

Hot spots, also known as acute moist dermatitis, are inflamed and itchy skin lesions common among cats and dogs and can be caused by many different things. What causes hot spots on cats? Do you have a cat that scratches and licks itself incessantly? If so, your kitty may be suffering from a hot spot. […]

What is Heart Murmur in cats? Grades with Types

By Gunnar Bengtsson

The heart health of you and your pet should be a priority. Heart murmur in cats refers to the abnormal heart sound that the veterinarian usually observes by stethoscope. If your cat has been diagnosed with a heart murmur, it’s important to stay calm and get informed. There are many reasons why cats can develop […]

Can Feliway Make Cats Sick? 3 Reasons For Using It

By Gunnar Bengtsson

Feliway, also known as feline facial pheromones, is a proven product for helping cats adjust to challenging situations and curb stress-related behaviours. It is an odourless and non-toxic synthetic chemical that diffuses through the air to calm down the feline in stressful situations. But can Feliway make cats sick? Your kitty can be stressed out […]

How To Get Rid of Bed Bugs on Cats in 7 Easy Ways

By Gunnar Bengtsson

Bed bugs are nasty blood-sucking pests that are easy to spread and difficult to eradicate. Controlling and eradicating bed bugs is one of the most challenging pest problems. They create infestation so quickly and irritate us and our pets. They live and feed on our feline blood and lead to severe itching and ugly spots […]

How Much Heat Can Cats Tolerate? Safe Temperature

By Gunnar Bengtsson

Cats usually love and enjoy hot temperatures and often lay in the sun heat in the hot weather. Cats generally tolerate the heat better than us. However, there are some risks associated with the temperature rise. Many feline owners often ask How much heat can cats Tolerate? And what temperature is too hot for felines? […]

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