All posts in "Health Care"

Can Cats Get Bloat? (Causes, Symptoms, GDV, Explained)

By Phil

If your cat has a swollen stomach they may just be fat, as a lot of cats are. But it may also be a sign that your kitty has a condition called bloat. Bloat, also known as gastric dilatation is a condition where a cat’s stomach becomes too full with food or air and results […]

Why Do Cats Pant in the Car? (Or In General)

By Phil

Cats pant in cars as a stress response. Oftentimes, this may be due to being hot. But it can also be a sign of anxiety and irritation too.  If you leave a cat in a car on a hot summer day and it’s very likely going to pant in order to try and regulate its […]

Are Morning Glories Poisonous to Cats? (Yes!)

By Phil

Many common plants and flowers are toxic or poisonous to cats. You should always do your best to check the plants in your home, yard, and surrounding areas for this reason. One plant that is known to be poisonous to cats and often takes people by surprise is morning glories. This colorful and beautiful looking […]

How to Use Valerian Root to Calm Cats

By Phil

Do you have a hyper or stressed cat and need to calm them down? Do you enjoy watching your cats interact with catnip? If so, you should try using Valerian root to calm cats in your household. It’s a fun, safe, and effective way to relieve stress and calm cats down. What Is Valerian Root? […]

Is Mrs Meyers Safe for Pets? (Ingredients and Information)

By Phil

When it comes to cleaning around the home, I’m sure you’ll agree with me that as pet owners it’s important we use products that are very effective – and more importantly – safe for use around our pets. In my opinion, Mrs Meyers’ line of cleaning products is some of the best smelling and most […]

Do Cats Eat Cockroaches? (Gross Reality)

By Phil

Cats can and do eat cockroaches on occasion, yes. Roaches are not considered to be toxic or harmful, but I think we can both agree it’s not a habit we should encourage. Cats have been used as a form of pest control for centuries. Most cats will enjoy chasing and hunting roaches, they are the […]

Are Boston Ferns Poisonous to Cats? (Nope!)

By Phil

Most ferns make for great house plants, and the Boston Fern is one of the more attractive, easy to care for, and fun ferns to have around the home. If you share your home with a cat, however – or a dog for that matter – you need to check that your Boston Fern doesn’t […]

Are Fiddle Leaf Figs Poisonous to Cats? (Yes!)

By Phil

Fiddle leaf figs are going through something of a popularity surge at the moment. It’s hard to flick through a trendy home decor magazine or website without seeing one of these magnificent plants in the home. If you have pets in the home, however, you always need to check that a plant doesn’t pose a […]

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