If you’re looking for cat names beginning with L, you’ve come to the right place.
I’ve put together a huge list of name ideas for you to name your new kitty.
There are names for female cats starting with L, and names for male cats starting with L.
If you have any names you’d like to see included feel free to drop a comment and I’ll add it.
Male Cat Names Beginning with L
Labby | Laborc | Ladd | Ladomer | Lafayette |
Laird | Laith | Lakota | Lakshman | Lam |
Laman | Lammy | Lamar | Lamberto | Lamont |
Lance | Lander | Landon | Lang | Langy |
Langard | Lantos | Laoghaire | Latimer | Latin |
Lawler | Lawrenece | Lawson | Lazarus | Leander |
Lear | Lee | Leif | Leith | Leland |
Len | Leonard | Lenny | Lennox | Lesnar |
Leon | Loepold | Leeroy | Lester | Levent |
Levi | Licky | Lincoln | Lind | Linton |
Lindhurst | Lionel | Litton | Lloyd | Logan |
Lomar | Lon | London | Lorenzo | Lorne |
Louis | Lucien | Luke | Lunt | Luther |
Lyle | Lyman | Lyndon | Lyre | Lyster |
Female Cat Names Beginning with L
Lacy | Lae | Laila | Laille | Lainey |
Lakeisha | Lakota | Lala | Lalaine | Lalima |
Lalita | Lana | Lanette | Laine | Laquetta |
Lara | Larie | Larissa | Lassie | Latonia |
Latice | Laura | Lavender | Laverne | Layna |
Leah | Lee | Leigh | Leila | Leola |
Leopolda | Lesh | Leslie | Less | Letha |
Letitia | Levana | Lexine | Leyna | Lia |
Liana | Liberty | Lien | Liese | Lily |
Limber | Lina | Linda | Linette | Linnea |
Lioness | Liora | Lisa | Lissa | Locke |
Lola | Lorelei | Lorinda | Lorna | Lotta |
Lotti | Louise | Love | Lucinda | Lucine |
Lucy | Luna | Lydia | Lynn | Linda |