There are more studies, and even more compelling evidence to support the use of CBD oil for cat seizures coming out all the time.
If you’ve been pointed in the direction of using CBD oil, or even hemp oil and want to explore this yourself as an option – or just want to know more – I’ve put together everything you need to know.
It’s something I follow closely because I’m an advocate for using CBD oil for health reasons with both humans and pets.
I’ve seen the positive results for myself, and wouldn’t hesitate to use CBD oil to treat cat seizures. It’s definitely an option to consider, and more pet owners are turning to CBD and hemp over other forms of treatment all the time.
What Is CBD Oil?

If you’re new to CBD oil there are a couple of things to be aware of. Firstly, I feel like I have to point out that it’s not pot, weed, cannabis, and so on, and doesn’t have the same effects. So put those myths to the side.
It is one of the compounds founds in cannabis plants, however, and CBD is one of the cannabinoids that can be extracted. It’s not one of the compounds that get a user ‘high,’ which is why it’s very different to cannabis even though it comes from the same plant.
The cannabinoids found in cannabis plants are very interesting and have literally changed the way the medical profession looks at alternative forms of medicine in recent years.
When taken, cannabinoids attach to receptors in the body and produces different effects. Tests have shown CBD oil to produce a number of effects, one of which is helping with seizures as I’ll explain more in this article.
What Is a Hemp Oil?
You may have also heard about hemp oils and their health applications. Hemp oil is extracted from the seeds or the stalk of a hemp plant, as opposed to the flowers and leaves like CBD oil.
Hemp oil is often used for the same conditions as CBD oil. It’s not as strong and doesn’t do exactly the same things. But, as some states only allow the use of hemp oil it’s worth investigating too.
The main difference between the CBD oil and hemp oil is the amount of a cannabinoid called THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) in the oil.
Legally, hemp oil must contain less than 0.3% THC. While CBD oil can be higher than 0.3% THC.
What Causes Cat Seizures?
It’s very upsetting and distressing to see a cat have a seizure. I’ve experienced it myself, and it left me pretty panicky after.
The most common cause of seizures in cats is due to previous damage to their brains. They can also be caused by really high or low blood sugar levels, existing health issues, sudden trauma, toxins, or extreme illness like a fever or an infection.
So finding out why, or at least narrowing down the reasons why your cat is having seizures is very important. And something your vet will be able to do for you.
What to Do When A Cat Is Having a Seizure?

If you see your cat is having a seizure there are a few things you can do to make sure your cat is as safe as possible.
Here are a few steps that will help:
- First of all, even if it’s the first time you’re witnessing a cat seizure you have to do your best to stay calm. I know it’s easier said than done, but please try.
- Don’t try to put your fingers in their mouths for any reason. They will not choke on their tongues, but they will likely bite you.
- Make sure there is nothing near your cat that may cause them harm if they move suddenly.
- Be prepared for your cat to be confused when the seizure ends. Don’t smother them, let them run off if they want to but keep an eye on them.
Most seizures end within a couple of minutes, so there isn’t time to rush a cat to the vet. If the seizure lasts longer, however, or they are having repeated seizures within minutes then you need to get them to a vet asap.
Does CBD Oil Help With Cat Seizures – How Safe Is It?
There haven’t been many controlled scientific studies into the use of CBD products and cats. There are however numerous studies that show CBD helps manage seizures in humans.
This is what lead to the use of CBD products with cats, dogs, and other animals, and it was on the back of a wave of positive results and feedback that really validated the use of CBD.
I’m convinced because I’ve been using CBD products with one of my cats for joint pain and inflammation. My cat, Yingers, is 19 years old and the medications for arthritis and swelling in her back legs were adding up.
After around 4-5 weeks of taking CBD capsules and liquid in her food, there was a huge improvement in her condition.
The swelling had noticeably reduced, and her pain had lessened. I’ve worked with my vet to reduce her medicines slowly and we’re at a point now where she’s taking half the medicines (saving me a fortune), but more importantly, her overall condition has improved.
It’s not a miracle cure, I’m not trying to say that. But I’ve seen the healing effects of CBD products for cats, and there is a lot of feedback from other owners saying the same.
The only real concern safety concerns when using CBD products is around the dosage amount. Always read the instructions closely, and if anything isn’t clear or doesn’t feel right speak to a vet.
As long of your giving your cat the right amount you will be fine, I’ve never heard of any ill effects.
Which Is the Best CBD Oil or Products for Cat Seizures?
The CBD market is growing at a rapid pace and more products are hitting the shelves all the time, so it can be hard to figure out what are the best CBD products for a particular condition like seizures.
There are two products that I recommend you check out:
Charlie & Buddy Hemp Oil For Cats
I use Charlie & Buddy for my own cats so I’m happy to recommend it. They also have literally hundreds of testimonials on this site if you want to check some out here.
The capsules are easy to use. I know how difficult it can be to get a cat to take meds, trust me. They are incredibly sneaky when it comes to capsules or tablets.
You can open the capsules and sprinkle the contents over your cat’s food, or pick up a bottle in liquid form and just add that.
Charlie & Buddy says their products have a mild taste and it’ll go unnoticed. While I haven’t tested the taste (of course), my cat has never noticed.
Click here to see the Charlie & Buddy Hemp oil for catsHemp Oil for Cats by Billion Pets
Amazon doesn’t allow the sale of CBD products. This is because they can’t be sold in every state, at least not in the same form. It’s actually kinda complicated what certain states allow, so I can’t blame them.
They do however allow the sale of hemp oils for cats. This hemp oil from Billion Pets is recommended for cat seizures, so I’d definitely take a closer look and see if it’s suitable for your cat.
As I’ve said before, I’m not a veterinary professional and I’m not licensed to give advice. Always ask the manufacturer or seller directly if you have any questions or concerns.
Click here to see this Hemp Oil on AmazonIf you enjoyed reading about hemp and CBD oil for cat seizures feel free to check out some of my other posts and find out; what your cat gets up to at home all day, how to litter box train your kitty, the best scratching posts/trees, and more.