How Much Colloidal Silver Is Good For Cats? 3 Tonic Uses

Colloidal silver for Cats

If you’re a cat owner, you know that they can be susceptible to illnesses and infections. And while traditional medicine can be effective, some pet owners are looking for more natural solutions. Colloidal silver is one option that’s gaining popularity among cat owners. But, how much colloidal silver for cats?

This article is a comprehensive guide about colloidal silver for felines. Keep reading to learn more.

Colloidal silver for Cats

What is Colloidal silver?

Colloidal silver is a suspension of silver particles in distilled water that acts as an antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal agent. It’s been used for centuries as an antimicrobial agent.

In the past, it was used to treat infections and wounds. Today, some people believe that it can boost the immune system, fight viruses, and even cure cancer.

How much Colloidal silver for cats?

A general rule of thumb the ideal amount of Colloidal silver for cats is 1/2 tsp per 10 lbs or 1/2 tsp per 4 kg once a day. For maintaining the kitty’s overall health, the ideal dose of Colloidal silver is 5ml/day. 5–10 ml 3-4 times a day can be the safe dose to treat the health. 

How much Colloidal silver for cats

It’s always best to start with a lower dose and increase gradually if needed.

Remember that The correct dosage of colloidal silver for felines will depend on the condition being treated and the cat’s size.

Therefore, it is essential to talk to your veterinarian before giving your cat any supplement, including colloidal silver.

Our Recommendation:

Is Colloidal Silver Safe for Cats?

According to research, Many pet owners have seen great results using colloidal silver as an effective treatment for several common conditions their cats suffer.

Additionally, Colloidal Silver is far less toxic for felines than other chemicals found in over-the-counter medication and is much safer than heavy metals most pets are exposed to daily.

Giving Colloidal Silver to your kitty has little to no side effects and can help your cat with many health issues.

Please remember that overdosing on any medicine, including colloidal silver, can be dangerous for your felines. Also, make sure to contact your veterinarian before giving any medication or home remedy to your pet.

Uses of Colloidal silver for Cats

what is Colloidal silver for Cats

Colloidal silver is an available OTC treatment for felines and can aid your pet in many health issues. Some common health issues in which Colloidal silver is used for cats are listed below.

1. Colloidal silver for Cats Skin Issues

One of the most common uses of colloidal silver for cats is to help with skin issues. The antimicrobial properties of silver can help to clear up infections, rashes, and other skin problems in cats such as hot spots, ringworm, wounds and burns.

Colloidal silver To treat Casts ear infection in cats:

Another everyday use of colloidal silver for cats is to treat ear infections. Ear infections are painful and can be challenging to clear up with traditional medicine. However, 3-4 drops into each infected ear 1 to 2 times a day can help clear the infection and ease the pain.

The antimicrobial properties of Colloidal silver can help to kill the bacteria that causes the infection.

2. Colloidal silver to treat Cats Eyes Problems

Colloidal silver can also be used to treat eye problems in cats. You can directly apply one drop of the treatment to your feline eye to treat infections, allergies, inflammation, and tear staining.

You can also use colloidal silver to treat other eye conditions. However make sure to contact your vet for the confirmation. 

3. Colloidal Silver For Cats Fleas

One of the most common uses of colloidal silver for cats is to help with flea problems. The silver can help kill fleas and their eggs, preventing them from coming back.

Add a pew drop of Silver Colloidal to water and put it in a spray bottle. Then, spray the treatment 2-3 times a day on your pet fur, bedding and living areas to eliminate the flea infestation.

Benefits of Colloidal silver for cats

Besides helping with specific health conditions, colloidal silver can also provide several general benefits for cats.

Some of the benefits of colloidal silver for cats include:

1. Antimicrobial properties that can help to clear up infections

2. Can help to ease pain from skin issues, ear infections and eye problems

3. Can help to kill fleas and their eggs

4. Is less toxic than other chemicals found in over-the-counter medications

5. Is much safer compared to heavy metals most pets are exposed to daily

6. Has little to no side effects when given in the correct dosage

7. Can help to improve the overall health of cats.

Please remember that overdosing on any medication, including colloidal silver, can be dangerous for your felines.

Always consult with your veterinarian before giving your cat any supplement, including colloidal silver.

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We have seen that Colloidal silver for Cats is a natural antibiotic and antifungal agent that can help treat cats for various conditions.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that overdosing on the medication can harm your pet, so please consult with your veterinarian before using this or any other home remedy.

Have you ever used colloidal silver to treat your cat? Let us know in the comments below.


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