All posts in "Feeding and Treats"

Can Cats Eat Arugula? Feline-Friendly Greens Explained

By Phil

Arugula, a flavorful and nutrient-rich leafy green, often finds its way onto our plates in salads and sandwiches. But can cats also enjoy this tasty green? Good news for cat owners – the answer is yes, cats can eat arugula. However, there are some essential things to consider before incorporating it into your feline friend’s […]

Cats Love Fish, But Can Cats Eat Anchovies?

By Phil

You see it everywhere, cats eating fish in cat food ads, cute images on the web, and viral videos of felines munching on fish. But can they eat anchovies? What happens if you give your cat a can of anchovies? Is it good for them, or should you avoid feeding anchovies to your kitty? If […]

Can Cats Eat Chia Pets (What You Need to Know)

By Phil

The Chia plant produces sprouts of chia seeds. In just a few weeks, your chia pet begins to take on the appearance of the animal’s fur or hair, and the figurines will take the shape of conventional clay toys created in the United States. Chia seeds that have been moistened are pressed into the crevices […]

Can Cats Eat Cream of Wheat (What You Need to Know)

By Phil

Cats are really picky eaters and will prefer to eat what you eat. Even if you feed your cat the most expensive, nutritious food money can buy, it will still painstakingly work its way into your bowl of cereal. So, can cats eat cream of wheat? Made from pulverized wheat, the cream of wheat has […]

Can Cats Eat Pecans? What You Need to Know

By Phil

Pecans are great to add to baked goods such as pies, muffins, cupcakes, and more. If you’re a home cook, you might have a lot of pecans in your kitchen, and if you have a pet cat, you know how curious they can get. If your feline friend has accidentally eaten a pecan or two […]

Can Cats Eat Cooked Spinach (Surprising Risks And Benefits)

By Phil

Spinach is very OK for cats to consume. Commercial diets for cats are also available on the market that incorporate spinach as an ingredient in their meal. However, even if it is not dangerous for cats to consume spinach, there is no need for them to include it in their diet since high-quality cat food […]

Can Cats Eat Chickpeas – Maybe, But Should They?

By Phil

 The question is “Can Cats Eat Chickpeas?” It is possible that some cats may have trouble digesting chickpeas, which are also called garbanzo beans. The diet of any domesticated feline should never include beans of any kind. If your cat consumes chickpeas in their natural, cooked state, there is a good likelihood that he or […]

Cats Can Eat Pepper, but Can Cats Eat Jalapeno?

By Phil

Jalapenos are a great addition to any spicy dish but while you may be tempted to give your pet feline a spoonful or two, you might want to think twice before you do. Many food items enjoyed by humans are toxic to cats and it’s always a good idea to know what foods to avoid […]

Can Cats Eat Pork Ribs?

By Phil

Can after can of meat or fish based cat food with names like “salmon,” “tuna,” and “chicken” can be found in the sections of any supermarket that are dedicated to selling cat food. Have you ever seen cat food with a pork taste, like ham or bacon, for example? Almost certainly not. Have you ever […]

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